CING and other associations

There are several opportunities as an alumn to get involved in associations with connections to Chalmers or the student union.

Chalmers Alumni Association

Chalmers Alumni Association/Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningen (CING) is an independent, non-profit association that maintains close ties with the university and the student union. CING is the largest alumni association with more than 110 years of history and 12,000 members, making it a natural alumni network for those who value the Chalmers community, both professionally and socially.

CING operates globally with 15 local chapters, so wherever you settle in the world, there are Chalmers alumni nearby who can quickly help you integrate into local networks.

CING's webpage

Learn how you can become a member and upcoming activities and events.

(Opens in new tab)
Gustaf Dahlén

The Gustaf Dalén Medal 

Every years since 1946, CING awards a chalmerist the prestigious Gustaf Dalén-medal of pure gold. The medal is named after the first Chalmers graduate winning a Nobel Prize.

The Gustaf Dalén-medal is awarded to:
"individuals who have graduated from Chalmers University of Technology and who have carried out meritorious work based on Chalmers' areas of expertise, ranging from the mathematical and scientific foundations of technology, trough engineering to the industrial and societal implementation of technology."

Other associations

There are alumni associations for many student associations and for former employees at Chalmers. The associations provide opportunity to keep in touch with new and old from the same student association, old friends, socialise and get involved in Chalmers even after graduation.