Stay in touch

You are now a key part of a network that not only spans more than 120 countries, but also includes alumni associations, interest groups and professional contacts in those locations.

Join our alumni group on LinkedIn with more than 13 000 alumnus. 

Update your contact information in the alumni portal

Register your contact information in our alumni portal, thereby joining about 45,000 other alumni who have already registered. By having an updated profile you will receive relevant alumni information and news from the university. This is important especially when you no longer live in Sweden. 

Some of the advantages of keeping your contact information updated in the portal:

  • The Alumni newsletter
  • Invitations to alumni events such as breakfast seminars and reunions
  • Offers of skills development and further education that will boost or broaden your career
  • Invitations to the student divisions' alumni event 
  • Information and invitations to mentorship programmes

Chalmers Alumni portal

Log into the Alumni Network portal to activate your account or update your details.

(Opens in new tab)

Processing of personal data

Here, Chalmers provides comprehensive information about many of our various forms of personal data processing. In some cases, Chalmers provides separate information.