
SmallTalks "Single molecule view on DNA-protein interactions"

Välkommen till ett seminarium i serien SmallTalks [about Nanoscience] arrangerat av Styrkeområde Nano.

Talare: Evgeniya Pavlova, Doktorand, Kemisk biologi, Life Sciences

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DNA-protein interactions are fundamental for cellular functions like gene expression, DNA repair, and replication. Studying these interactions helps us understand the molecular basis of many diseases and develop new therapies. Single-molecule methods have been demonstrated to offer a more detailed view of such experiments, revealing molecular heterogeneity often missed in ensemble measurements. Single-molecule nanofluidics is a powerful tool for studying DNA-protein interactions at the single DNA molecule level. By confining DNA in nanochannels, we can observe protein binding and activity directly, gaining insights into DNA interactions like inter- and intramolecular binding and condensation. In my research, I use single molecule nanofluidics to study DNA repair proteins and their effects on DNA, providing a detailed view of repair processes. I also analyze genome-associated proteins, exploring their roles in regulating DNA structure and function.