Indoor climate technology for health and well-being in energy efficient buildings
- Datum:Startar 22 februari 2023, 13:15Slutar 22 februari 2023, 14:00
- Tillgängliga platser:40
- Plats:Rum SB-S393 eller zoom, lösenord: 229868
- Språk:English
Välkommen att delta då Lars Ekberg håller sin installationsföreläsning som biträdande professor vid avdelningen för installationsteknik. Lars kommer att presentera på temat "inomhusmiljö-teknik för hälsa och välbefinnande i energieffektiva byggnader", och berätta mer om det viktiga samspelet mellan användare, bransch och akademi.
Föreläsningen tar cirka en halvtimme och sedan följer tid för frågor från deltagarna och avslutning med gemensam fika. Öppen föreläsning – ej anmälan.
Delta online:
Lösenord: 229868
The field of indoor climate technology comprises the entire chain of issues that has to be addressed in order to create indoor environments of the right quality. The endeavor begins with the challenge of determining the expectations of the building users regarding the thermal conditions and the indoor air quality. These expectations need to be transformed to clear specifications of requirements forming the basis for the process of design, construction and operation of healthy, comfortable and energy efficient buildings. The requirements may vary widely depending on the activities the building is intended for, and depending on the desired level of quality.
The lecture will address some important links between 1) scientifically established knowledge, 2) common beliefs and 3) the practices of today, as regards the creation of good indoor environments. To ensure that research in the field of indoor climate technology really leads to benefits for society, it is necessary to establish efficient interaction and cooperation, not only within, but also between the academy on the one hand, and society and industry on the other. The lecture is rounded off with an outlook towards the future by sketching ideas for important themes for such collaboration.