Being an exchange student offers many opportunities! You get to spend time in another country with all that entails in terms of learning from new perspectives, improving your language skills and being part of a new international network. This is your chance to gain fresh experience internationally! Many employers consider international experience to be a valuable asset.

Exchange studies
If you’re interested in studying abroad, Chalmers has some fantastic opportunities for you. Chalmers has exchange agreements with hundreds of renowned universities around the world with differing profiles. Credits earned during an exchange can be credited to your Chalmers degree, meaning that your total study period at Chalmers will not be extended.

Search portal - MoveOn
All Chalmers’ partner universities are listed in the Search portal and you can read travel reports from past exchange students.

Short mobility programmes
Explore "Blended Intensive Programme" (BIP) – short mobility programmes where online studies are combined with a shorter physical stay on site.

Work placements and international experience
The alliances and networks of which Chalmers is part of provide other opportunities to gain international experience in addition to the Erasmus+ and Global exchange programmes. For example, through work placements (internships/traineeships), summer schools or double degrees. These enable students to gain international experience and broaden their skills.

Contacts for student mobility
Main contact for exchange questions is Chalmers international mobility. Here is a list of the different coordinators for the exchange programmes.